As it has been some time since we've spoken, it could only be assumed on our part that Brian Cashman's recent outbursts were a function of missing us. We fired up the old satellite phone (the phone is new, but the satellite is uses is kind of old), and called everybody's favorite maritime sailor/GM to find out what was going on. The following is a transcript of our conversation:
BC: Hello?
RJG: Hey Bronny! What the #@*% is wrong with you?
BC: Why don't you shut the #@*% up?
RJG: I would, but I need to find out why you're so #@*%ed up first.
BC: I'm not sure what you're #@*%ing referring to.
RJG: Your inexplicable #@*%ing need to say #@*% all the time.
BC: I don't say #@*% all the time.
RJG: You've said #@*% at least eight $@*%ing times since you answered the phone.
BC: Get the #@*% outta here.
RJG: I'm #@*%ing serious. Is it A-Rod? #@*% him.
BC: I don't think so. But yeah, #@*% him.
RJG: Maybe you're surrounding yourself with too many #@*%ing people who say #@*% a lot.
BC: I can't think of anyone I #@*%ing know who would fit that description.
RJG: You do live in New York #@*%ing city. People say #@*% a lot there.
BC: Really? I never #@*%ing noticed that.
RJG: Me neither. But these #@*%ing out-of-towners swear we New Yorkers say #@*% all the time!
BC: Nobody #@*%ing talks like that here.
RJG: Preaching to the #@*%ing choir, brother.
BC: I guess it's a #@*%ing mystery then.
RJG: Guess #@*%ing so.
BC: Bye.
RJG: Bye
Well, there you have it folks. There is no reasonable explanation for Bronny Cash's recent use of profanity before the press. It's probably stress or something.
#@*% that guy.
Indeed, #@*% him. On another note, #@*%ing Yankees!
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