Friday, September 4, 2009

That's a Lie

Some of you may have noticed that Albaladejo had two black eyes when they showed him in the bullpen yesterday, and apparently he has a cut on his head too. How did he get them? According to Peter Abraham, Albaladejo "was playing catch with Edwar Ramirez on Monday and missed a ball that cut. It conked him in the noggin." Now, I know Peter Abraham has to report what he's told, and he did just that, but two black eyes and a cut on your head from one ball? I mean, how many times did this one ball hit him? No, I'm willing to bet Albaladejo got drunk, picked a fight, and got the crap kicked out of him. Maybe even by Shelley. Their stated explanation just doesn't make sense. I'm calling it now. Its a lie.


Rob A from BBD said...

I've seen some pretty nasty black and blues from getting hit with a baseball. No shenanigans here.

Fernando Alejandro said...

Two black eyes and a cut on the forehead from one baseball? I've never seen that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you'll get two black eyes from a hit on the head - the blood pools there.

(the nurse, seen this one a lot)

Fernando Alejandro said...

Wow. That's insane.

Fernando Alejandro said...

Though I still think he caught a heineken bottle over the head.