Thursday, July 10, 2008

A-Rod is a Douche

With everything surfacing about A-Rod's divorce its hard not to get caught up in the headlines. There was the one about Cynthia going on a Paris spending spree, and the one about another blond stripper recounting her jump off with Alex, and so on and so forth. I'm sure many more will come out in time. Now I know that womanizing is as much apart of baseball tradition as Cracker Jacks, and performance enhancers, but its an ugly part of the culture. And I know, A-Rod's probably just trying to take after his idle: Derek Jeter, probably the biggest womanizer on the team. However, the fact is, Jeter isn't married and A-Rod is. Now I just think A-Rod's a douche. Especially after this article about Cynthia Rodriguez. The fact is, no married woman deserves this. If you want to be a swinger, then don't get married. I'm not a believer in womanizing, but if you're going to do it, stay off the altar. It is that simple.


Anonymous said...

You can't always believe what you read, ESPECIALLY in the gossip column of the NY Daily News. Good little, God fearing Cynthia wore a t-shirt to Yankee Stadium last year that said "F*ck You" on the back of it. That certainly doesn't sound like the sweet little girl the writer outlined in her article.
I don't condone cheating either and these two should not be married, but don't hang the guy based on the gossip column.

Fernando Alejandro said...

I hear you Jim, but the cheating is what does it. I remembered the whole Cynthia shirt incident, but the cheating thing is way worse. Frankly, I'm surprised they lasted this long after the Toronto stripper thing that hit the papers last season.

Anonymous said...

I hear you Fernando, as a married man I have no respect for a guy who cheats, especially when he his wife has just delivered his child, but I'm saying you can't necessarily believe it is true or that she isn't guilty of ruining the marriage as well either. Do I believe he cheated? oh yeah, I'm sure he did. Do I think she was in the marriage for the money and knew exactly what type of person he is? Yep.

Anonymous said...

If A-Rod is ruled safe on that play everyone thinks he is some kind of genius, guaranteed and if a Red Sox player did it, RSN would think it was such a "backyard baseball" type of play that would win the hearts of the Sox faithful.

Remember Reggie Jackson sticking his hip out in the World Series to deflect a throw? That worked and it was called a heads up what's the difference here?

Roberto E. Alejandro said...

Yeah, I don't condone what A-Rod did, but if you marry a pro athlete you're pretty much agreeing to be cheated on, unless you pull a Yoko Ono and show up everywhere with the guy (or is that pulling an Anna Benson?). The News had an article about how Cynthia could put up with the cheating but that the Madonna affair was an affair of the heart and she couldn't tolerate that. Maybe. Or Maybe she's tired of getting cheated on and knows her hubbie just signed a $300M contract. We'll never know.

Fred Trigger said...


knowing how the NY media feels about AROD. I highly doubt there would have been any love for him if he had been safe. The headline would have gone like "yankees win, despite unsportsmanlike play by AROD, who pulled off a play that the calm eyed captain would have never done, because he was too busy single handedly curing cancer.